You are capable of holding it all.

You are capable of holding it all.

At Delics, our focus is on radical aliveness through exploration of ordinary, non-ordinary, and psychedelic states of consciousness.

Welcome, to a community founded on the reclamation of all of the human experience.

Our Beliefs

We believe in real, lasting human transformation through the cultivation of embodied safety, radical authenticity, and steady presence.

We believe safety is cultivated through developing the courage to communicate and honor our needs.

We believe authenticity is an expression of real-time truth.

We believe presence is living in the body.

Our Values

We value right relationship, sovereignty, radical accountability, and integrity.

We are here to support the community in cultivating wholeness, so that we as a collective may show up from a place that is truly heart centered; So that we may witness radical change and harmony on this beautiful planet, in our bodies, and in relationship to all that we do.

Our Process

We do this through journey work. Journey work provides us with a perspective that is unclouded by the illusory state of the mind. When we can see things for the truth of what they are (both the shadow, and the light), we can develop a conscious, intentional relationship with them. We believe this is where the work begins - in truth.

This is a path carved by courage;

The courage to see things as they really are, accept them, and embody the gift is how we journey towards wholeness. It is a path towards true alchemy.

We are here to support you in this journey.


We are honored to have you with us.

Here, you are safe to feel and explore truth,

and here,

you are supported with grace, in the process.

With love and compassion,


We are so excited to gather with you all this first month of fall to celebrate local makers with live music, a tea lounge, rotating sound experiences in the acorn, and tons of tasty treats! Free to come through ~ bring cash to support your local makers!

We are in the process of finalizing artists for this event. Stay tuned for specifics on the who’s and the what’s!

Our ceremony space is open for one-on-one journey work.

We value right relationship and indigenous practices.

Our spaces are one of sacred ceremony, and are supported by our education in the MAPS protocol and Zendo Harm Reduction.

Interested in one-on-one journey work?

Send us an e-mail.

We will reach out with information on our screening process, and are open to any questions you may have :) We love to hear from you.

What is radical aliveness?

Radical aliveness happens when we believe we are safe to feel the entirety of the human experience. This comes with expanding our capacity to feel. Expanding the capacity for holding the entire human experience looks different for each individual. In its essence, it is a process of creating a conscious relationship with awareness, paired with the intention of learning; learning how to allow experiences without finding ourselves paralyzed by minor shifts in our emotional, somatic, and psychosomatic state, as a result of our environment, our relationships, or our perceived circumstances. It is a process of allowing, alchemizing, and accepting.

When we are able to sit with and fully embody shifts in our emotional state of being without attaching a need to change, fix, or shift the experience, we learn how to ride the waves of being, rather than trying to control or hyper-analyze the ripples.

It is a path towards radical aliveness.

This takes practice, and support. In a society that is poisoned by disassociation, distraction, and numbing tactics, many of us have lost touch with our capacity for holding all of the human experience or have habits that protect us from feeling, and therefore, making decisions that are aligned with our highest truth.

Our intention with creating this space is to provide others on a similar journey towards radical aliveness with a system and community that supports lasting, evolutionary change.

We are honored to be here with you.

Delics offers a transformational experience for 1 on 1 clients, small intimate group settings, and corporate events.

Learn more about our offerings:


Michael Merrill Elire, Co-CEO

“At my company’s recent All Employee Meeting, there was a “Tea Tasting from Around the World” session led by Mike Thompson which, as tea drinker, I was excited about. I have to say that I didn’t quite know what to expect as the session started.  I’ve always appreciated the “ceremony” around tea, but this session was like nothing I have experienced before.  I and everyone else who participated almost didn’t want the session to end as it was truly transportive.  The combination of rare and incredible teas along with the use of silence, breathing, and meditation absolutely made our group of Type A personalities step back, relax, and be in the moment.  Mike Thompson guided us through the session in a professional way that put everyone at ease despite many feeling a little unsure at the start simple due to the newness of the experience.”

Andrew Mahowald, Mahowald Photography

”A wonderful organization. Their mindful gatherings and corporate workshops are well-designed. I love the breathwork, tea ceremonies and sound baths.”

Jason Jones The Coaching Hour, CEO

“Delics is an extraordinary resource if you are interested in exploring different states of consciousness and deepening your own well being. The events are safe and well run. The leaders are very thoughtful about everyone’s comfort and well-being. Delics brings a fresh perspective to physical, mental and spiritual well-being and offer a unique path to know oneself.

Delics will always offer donation based services to our local community to continue to provide accessibility to all.

If you feel called, we are always open and infinitely grateful for donations.

All donations go towards providing accessible, donation based services to your local community.
